
Safari Park Hotel, NAIROBI, 10th - 12th September 2014

September 10-12th, 2014
Safari Park Hotel, NAIROBI, KENYA
Hideki KAMBARA (Hitachi Ltd.)
Walter JAOKO (Univ. of Nairobi)
Hitachi Ltd.,The Kenya Embassy in Japan
The Society for Single-Cell Surveyor

About the Conference

 Single-cell analysis is a rapidly developing field that aims to understanding the workings of our body at the level of a single cell; an understanding that will enable us to fight cancer better, and to develop better tools for treating diseases and infections that are currently challenging. On the other hand, breathtaking advances in biomedical technology have contributed immensely to improved quality of life in developed and middle-income countries. For instance, self-use POCT (point-of-care-devices) devices for home-based blood glucose monitoring have heralded a new era of personalized medicine.
 Potentially, Africa can also harness the opportunities that biomedical technology presents to combat the problems of diseases and infections. For instance, low cost powerless POCT devices for rapid testing of HIV or malaria in limited capacity areas are promising, and will, with no doubt, impact positively on the provision of affordable healthcare to the poor majority around the globe.
It is against this background that the upcoming meeting will focus on recent advances in single-cell analysis, biotechnology and biomedical approaches aimed at detection, therapy or control of diseases and infections. We hope that 3-days of discussions and research sharing in the frontiers of biomedical research will inspire unique solutions applicable to the solution of health problems not only in Africa but also across the globe.
 We welcome the participation of researchers from both industry and academia.

Conference objectives
The conference aims to achieve the following objectives.
- Provide an international platform for research exchange on latest advances and application of biotechnology to solving health and environmental challenges, with particular focus on diseases
and infections.
- Contribute toward the development of better diagnostic and therapeutic tools for the management of infections and diseases.
- Enhance research capacity building in Africa by enabling international level research collaboration and networking.
- Provide international participants from the industrial sector with an opportunity to gather first-hand information about Africa’s technological needs and opportunities.


The conference will be organized into two parts (PART A & PART B) as outlined below. You have the option of attending both parts of the conference, or just Part A alone. In principal, the option of attending PART B alone is not available.

>>>Download conference schedule<<<


September 10th & 11th, SAFARI PARK HOTEL, NAIROBI

>>>Download conference program (oral)<<<
>>>Download conference program (poster)<<<


All sessions of the conference including talks, posters, and exhibitions will be held.

  • September 9th : Registration and welcome reception
  • September 10th-11th: Conference talks, exhibitions, posters, and banquet & entertainment.


Registration fee for PART A of the conference is a follows.

Registration fee for PART A of the conference






 Before July 31st, 2014

 August 1st August 31st

September 1st ~ on site


JPY 30,000 ($ 300)

JPY 40,000 ($ 400)

JPY 50,000 ($ 500)


JPY 15,000 ($ 150)

JPY 20,000 ($ 200)

JPY 25,000 ($ 250)

Registration fees is inclusive of:
1) Buffet lunch and two 1/2L bottles of water every day, coffee and snacks
2) Welcome reception in the evening of September 9th
3) Conference Banquet in the evening of September 11th
NOT INCLUDED in the registration fees are:
1) Accommodation at Safari Park Hotel. (All participants are requested to book accommodation at Safari Park Hotel)
2) Meals and accommodation for accompanying persons



This part of the conference will consist of special lectures on single cell analysis and related biomedical applications, given by some of the top scientists/engineers in the field. Other topics such as biodiversity may be included as well. Details of the lectures will be posted soon.

We strongly encourage participants who have time to attend this part of the conference to explore the great scenes of Kenya. The venue is located at the center of one of the most fascinating game parks in Kenya; Masai Mara, famous for wild beast migration and the BIG FIVE. However, please not that due to capacity limitations, we may stop accepting further applications once capacity is reached. (Capacity is 50 attendees excluding accompanying persons)

Plan of activities for PART B of the conference

Time line


7 AM

Depart Safari Park Hotel by bus for Masai Mara

7 AM - 12 PM

Biodiversity tour through the Rift Valley escarpments to the valley basin, before arriving at the word famous Masai Mara National Reserve. Brief stops for biodiversity discussions will be made along the approx. 5 hour journey. Enjoy fascinating sceneries of nature and people.

12 PM – 2 PM

Lunch and rest

2 PM – 4 PM

Special lectures on single cell analysis.

Speakers and program are to be announced.

4 PM – 6 PM

Biodiversity tour (safari game drive)

6 PM – 9 PM

Dinner and bonfire

Sept. 13th

6 AM – 8 AM  Morning Safari (for those spending one more night in Nairobi)

7 AM

Depart by bus for Nairobi (for those taking flights in the evening of Sept. 13th )

Note: Because we will arrive in Nairobi late in the afternoon of Sept. 13th from Masai Mara, those departing Nairobi on the same day (Sept. 13th) are strongly advised to book evening or night flights for their return journey.


  • Adult Single: JPY 60,000 ($ 600)
  • Adults sharing (double/ twin/ triple): JPY 45,000 ($450)/ person
  • Child (5- 12 years ): JPY 30,000 ($300)

Details of registration fee

One adult person/ room

Two persons sharing a room

■ Special lecture fee:US$200

■ Accommodation:US$ 300 (inclusive of breakfast and dinner)

■ Transport :US$100 (Nairobi⇔Masai Mara round trip )

Total     US$600 

■ Special lecture fee:US$200

■ Accommodation:US$ 150 (inclusive of breakfast and dinner)

■ Transport :US$100 (Nairobi⇔Masai Mara round trip )

Total     US$450 


Beverages other than those mentioned in the 'Inclusive of' section; Tips and, gratuities for guides; drivers and lodge/camp staff: Airport taxes and security fees (unless mentioned specifically, taxes/fees must be paid directly at the airport); International or Domestic departure and arrival flights; Laundry, phone calls or other personal expenses.

Conference schedule at a glance

Activity or Plan Venue/Accomodation
PART A Sept. 9th Welcome party Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi
Sept. 10th Conference
Sept. 11th Conference
PART B Sept. 12th Morning Biodiversity tour BUS
Afternoon Special Lectures Keekorok Lodge, Masai Mara
Evening Biodiversity tour, Dinner
Sept. 13th Morning Journey back to Nairobi BUS

Arrival in Nairobi (approx. 1 PM), Airport for departures

Departures (evening flights) or One night stay in Nairobi at a hotel of your choice


Keynote speakers

Dr. Hideki Kambara, Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, JAPAN

Dr. Kambara is recognized for his revolutionary research leading to the development of a high-throughput capillary array DNA sequencer, which continues to play a significant role in the advancement of new research in biology and biochemistry, pharmacology, medicine and other research fields utilizing applied genomic data.

Prof. Masood Kamali-Moghaddam, Uppsala University, SWEDEN

Prof. Kamali-Moghaddam works on the development of highly sensitive molecular tools for search of biomarkers and early diagnostics, with focus on neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Furthermore, he is currently responsible for two facilities at Swedish SciLifeLab for high throughput protein analysis for screening of biomarkers, and for in situ protein analysis.

Prof. Steven Boxer, Stanford University, USA

Topics of current interest include: electrostatics and dynamics in proteins; excited state dynamics of green fluorescent protein, especially split GFP, with applications in biotechnology; electron and energy transfer mechanisms in photosynthesis; and biological membranes. He has served on the scientific advisory board of many start-ups in the general area of biotechnology.

Prof. Takehiko Kitamori, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN

Prof. Kitamori’s group is aiming at attaining of an unprecedented level of high-throughput diagnosis involving bioinformation sensing and clinical analyses by means of microfluidic devices fabricated at a micro/nano meter scale.

Prof. Omu Anzala, Nairobi University & Program Director, Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative

Prof. Anzala has vast experience in the field of HIV vaccine research and has played a big role in the establishment of KAVI, the HIV Vaccine research project in Kenya. He is currently the principal investigator of two phase-II HIV/AIDS vaccine clinical trials and has also served as a co-investigator in one phase-I and one phase-II HIV vaccine clinical trials.

Prof. J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University, USA,

Prof. Robinson is actively engaged in the development of translational tools for better diagnostics of cervical cancer, and has collaborated with hardware and software groups in developing innovative technologies such as hyperspectral cytometry using multiarray PMTs (commercialized by Sony), advanced classification approaches for clinical diagnostics and bacterial classification, and high content, high throughput screening technologies.

Prof. Hidetoshi Kotera, Kyoto University, JAPAN

Prof. Kotera is currently the executive vice-president of Kyoto University. His main research interests are mechanical engineering, bio micro/nanotechnology, micro total analysis systems (Micro TAS), micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), multi-physics numerical analysis theory and system, piezoelectric material and micro fluidics.

Prof. Aman Russom, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SWEDEN

Aman Russom is associate professor at the division of Proteomics and Nanobiotechnology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His research focuses on microfluidics with emphasis on sample preparation for clinical and point of care diagnostics. He and a team of scientists from the School of Biotechnology at KTH in Stockholm modified a DVD player to perform blood tests, including a check for HIV.

Prof. Dr. Hans Tanke, Leiden University Medical Center, NETHERLAND

Prof. Tanke works on the development of novel fluorescence based technology including advanced imaging to study the molecular composition of cells and chromosome. His special research focus is on the analysis of molecular interactions in living cells using CSLM, FRAP and FRET-FLIM techniques. For a decade, his team has developed technology for point-of-care diagnosis of infectious diseases.


Registration/Abstract Submission


Activity       Category    Deadline  
Student General
 Abstract submission    

Friday, 25th July, 2014 

Notification to Authours
   Friday, 1st August, 2014 
Early registration $150
$300  Thursday, 31st July, 2014 
Normal registration $200 $400  Sunday, 31th August, 2014 
Late or On-site registration $250 $500  Tuesday, 9th September, 2014 or On-site 


Registration is open. You can either register to attend both PART A and PART B of the conference, or PART A alone.

Registration steps

  1. Click the link below. ⇒⇒
  2. Carefully read the instructions given on the first page
  3. Click on “ENTRY” to make new application, read the policy page that opens up and if acceptable, check the “Agree” buttom and then click “Continue”.
  4. Enter your information and those of accompanying person(s) and other required information.
  5. Set a password and click “continue”. A registration page will open up.
  6. (a) For those attending PART A of the conference ONLY, please select your category; either “STUDENT” or “GENERAL”).
  7. (b)For those attending BOTH PART A and PART B, please select PART A and PART B. Under PART B, choose the option that best fits your attendance either as a single individual or together with accompanying person(s). For all adults sharing a room, please select “Adult (Room shared)” and input the number of persons in your company in the right box. If you have a child (between age 5-12) in your company, please select the box for child and insert number in the right box.
  8. Proceed to the next payment confirmation page.
  9. Payment can be made either by credit card or back transfer. However, we recommend payment by CREDIT CARD for convenience.


  • Participants from the Africa region (strictly those coming from institutions in the Africa region) are kindly advised to use either of the options below to register for the conference.

    • Register normally at the conference registration website below.
    • ⇒⇒
    • Please be advised that payment can be made only in yen either by credit card or by bank transfer to a bank account in Japan. More details are available in English on the website.
    • Send the following information to both the email addresses listed below in order to be registered for the meeting. Then make payment to the bank account given below. You can also pay registration fee onsite in dollars or Kenya shillings.
    • NOTE: Those who send us their registration information by email before the deadline of early bird registration on July 31st we will be considered as having done early bird registration and will be given early bird rates of $300 for a general participant and & $150 for a student (or the equivalent in Kenya Shillings).

+++++++++ Information for registration++++++++++
copy and paste and send by email.

Name (First/ Middle/ Last):
Affiliation (Institution name/ Department name):
Telephone number:
Email Address:
Accompanying person(s): (Give name(s))
Arrival schedule: (Date/ Airport, flight number / arrival time)
Departure schedule: (Date/ Airport, flight number / arrival time)
Accommodation: Safari Park Hotel/ Others (please give the name of hotel)
Note: All participants are strongly encouraged to reserve and stay in Safari Park Hotel.
Food preferences: Vegetarian/ Halal
Please inform us of your attendance as below.
I’m attending PART A only (Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Sept.10th & 11th)
I’m attending BOTH Part A and B (Sept 10th -12th, Safari Park Hotel Nairobi & Masai Mara)
Email addresses for sending the registration information above (Please send email to both the addresses below)
Kennedy O. Okeyo, University of Tokyo
Email: okeyo’at’ (replace ‘at’ with @)
Benson Nyambega, PhD, Maseno University
Email: nyambegadnaubaar’at’ (replace ‘at’ with @)

  • Details of Bank Account for Paying Registration Fee (ONLY for participants from institutions in the Africa region)
    • Bank name: Standard Chartered Bank
    • Account No: 0100324156400
    • Bank Code: 020029
    • Branch: Kisumu.
    • Country: Kenya


  • We are happy to announce that we have secured some funding to support graduate and post graduate students from the Africa region, who are doing excellent research, to attend the conference. The support will be in the form of reimbursement of registration fee and a travel award that will partially support travel expenses to Nairobi.
  • To be considered for the above support, one has to register and send us an abstract by July 25th. Selection will be based on the submitted abstract and winners will be contacted directly by email.
  • In addition to travel awards, students who present outstanding posters at the conference will be awarded POSTER awards with certificates and highly attractive award prizes.

Kennedy O. Okeyo, University of Tokyo
Email: okeyo’at’ (replace ‘at’ with @)
Benson Nyambega, PhD, Maseno University
Email: nyambegadnaubaar’at’ (replace ‘at’ with @)

Abstract submission

We welcome both oral and/or poster presentations from biomedical, single-cell analysis, biotechnology fields etc. If you are interested, please send us a brief one page abstract to the following email address.
Abstract deadline is Friday, July 25th, 2014.

Abstract submission details are listed below.

1. Prior to abstract submission, please complete your registration. Refer to the "Registration" section above for details.
2. Upon registration, download the abstract template (abstract_template.doc).
3. Please submit the abstract to [okeyo’at’] (replace ‘at’ with @).

- The official language of this workshop is English.
- The abstract should be written in one page, A4 size, including diagrams, graphics and photographs. The necessary instructions are provided within the abstract template.
- Manuscript will be printed in black-and white.

- Frontiers of single-cell analysis: Tools and methodologies
- Imaging and characterization of cellular functions
- Biochips and biosensors for medicine
- Tropical diseases and infections: From mechanisms to prevention strategies
- POCT and other technologies for diagnosis and therapy
- Genomics and epigenomics

We wish to highlight you on the security situation in Kenya following the recent incidences of terrorism in Nairobi and Mombasa that may have caused safety concerns among us.

Since the Kenya military began anti-terrorism operations in the neighboring Somalia, Kenya has increasingly become a target of terrorist activities blamed on a notorious terrorist group based in Somalia. In deed, there have been incidences of terrorism of varying scales, and the threat persists. However, thanks to intensified security in the country, and the contribution of international intelligence community, the situation is much improved, especially in Nairobi. We can only hope that the calm being witnessed presently will continue into the future, uninterrupted.
Notwithstanding, the organizers will ensure that adequate measures are put in place for your safety and comfort.


Instruction for presenters

Guidelines for Oral Presentations

  • Each oral presentation is allocated 15 minutes time slot, with 3 minutes for questions and discussions. Each keynote lecture is allocated 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions and discussions. Please kindly check the program for the time allocated for your presentation. Since the conference schedule is tight, Session chairs will strictly enforce time.
  • Please bring your own PC for your presentation and make sure that you test if your presentation slides, including movies, animations, and other artworks, are working properly prior to your presentation. You can test your presentation during breaks.
  • You are required to bring your presentation in Power Point format (or a format that works well on your PC). To deal with unforeseen circumstances, we strongly advise you to bring an extra copy of all your presentation files in a USB. You can also ensure that you have a copy available on a suitable storage on the internet that is generally accessible.
  • IMPORTANT: If you will use a MAC PC or an ultrathin PC without VGA connection ports, please make sure that you carry with you a VGA-HDMI connector (or its equivalent) for connecting your PC to the projector.
  • You should be present in the hall before the start of your session. You are also requested to be in attendance for the whole session. Please take that you seat in the front row of the conference room before your session begins.
  • You will be responsible for advancing your slides during your presentation.
  • Each session room will be set up with the following audio visual equipment:
    • ・Data projector and screen
    • ・A microphone
    • ・A power source
  • Note: Please make sure that you bring you own PC for your presentation.
  • Make sure that you have your power cable, just in case your PC runs out of power during you presentation.
  • Please adhere to the allocated presentation time.

Guidelines for Poster Presentations

All posters will be mounted on the windows of the Conference Hall at Safari Park Hotel. All presenters should mount their posters by 1:00 PM Wednesday September 10th. You must be wearing your official meeting badge during poster presentations. Attractive Poster Awards will be given to 10 best posters presented by students.


  • Posters will be pinned on the window of the conference hall using mounting tapes to be provided.
  • Each author is allotted a net space of 3'8" (111.8 cm) HIGH by 2'10" (86.36 cm) WIDE and posters should be formatted in PORTRAIT, i.e. VERTICAL format. Please make sure that your poster is of appropriate size.
  • Posters will be displayed throughout the duration of the meeting and may be viewed 24 hours a day beginning from 8:00 AM Wednesday Sept. 10 until 11 PM on Thursday Sept. 11th. All posters must be displayed by 1:00 PM on Wednesday 10th and removed by 11:00 PM, Thursday, September 11th. Posters left mounted after 11:00 PM on Thursday 11th will be removed.

Poster sessions are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday, September 10th:
Poster Session DAY 1
1:15 PM-1:30 PM
Flash presentation for DAY 1 posters (authors must be prepare 1 minute presentation slide)
1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Poster presentations and viewing for DAY 1 posters (poster authors must be by their posters)
18:30 PM-21:00 PM
Open Poster Viewing (authors need not be present)

Thursday, September 11th:
Poster Session DAY 2
1:15 PM-1:30 PM
Flash presentation for DAY 2 posters (authors must be prepare 1 minute presentation slide)
1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Poster presentations and viewing for DAY 2 posters (poster authors must be by their posters)
18:30 PM-21:00 PM
Open Poster Viewing (authors need not be present)

As shown in the table above, for each of the poster sessions, there will be a 1 minute flash presentation time (total 20 minutes) and poster viewing time. Presenters are requested to be by their posters for discussion during the viewing time. Posters for BOTH DAY 1 and Day 2 posters must be mounted as instructed above. Please do NOT mount your poster while sessions are going on. You can do so during breaks.

Preparing Effective Posters

  • Prepare a heading at the top of your poster indicating your abstract title, all authors and their affiliations.
  • Prepare a poster with a portrait/vertical format that measures 85 cm wide x 119 cm high (A0 size).
  • Design of effective posters requires careful thought and advance preparation. It is not sufficient to enlarge an abstract and add a few figures. When planning a poster, the first task is to identify the one, two, or three principal messages you have to convey. Then work out the most effective presentation and choose a headline to help highlight each point.
  • Poster presentations should be designed to summarize current research in graphics forms: charts, tables, graphs, pictures, etc. You poster should be self-explanatory so that you are free to supplement and discuss particular points raised in inquiry. This is important for you to win a poster award.

Important Display Reminders

  • Your presentation must be legible from a distance of at least 3’ (91.44 cm). Keep your poster visually simple and clear.
  • Do not add too much details because they will make your poster appear wordy and less visually attractive. Details of methodology should be brief. All figures must have brief legends or explanations.
  • Simple use of color can add effective emphasis.
  • Do not write or paint on the window where you mount your poster.
  • For easy identification, provide a poster heading, listing its title and author(s). Lettering for the title should be at least 1" in height. The organizers will place a number on your poster board. That number should NOT be moved. If the number is moved or removed, your poster will not be considered for the poster award competition.
  • All posters should NOT be removed before Thursday 11th at 6:00 p.m.

Flash Presentation for Poster Presenter

"All poster presenters will be requested to make a brief oral presentation in Flash talk format (Please describe the outline of your research within 1 MINUTE)."
"Please check your poster number within the program and prepare your poster for exhibition and power point file (1 slide only) for the short presentation."

  • The power point file for the short presentation should be prepared in just 1 slide. (File name should be prepared as "Poster number(PX-XX)_your name.ppt")
  • Please bring your power point file (by USB memory stick) to the registration desk at latest 1 hour before the Poster Short Presentation.
  • Please come to the main stage 15 minutes before the Poster Short Presentation.
  • Poster Short Presentations will be conducted in numerical order based on the Poster number.

Poster Awards

A panel of judges will go around during DAY 1 and DAY 2 of poster presentations to select 10 best posters presented by students for attractive poster awards. Winners will each be given USD$150 as prize money plus a certificate. To be eligible;

  • A presenting author must be a student with a valid student ID (please carry it with you for validation)
  • Must give a 1 minute flash presentation during the allocated flash presentation time.
  • Presenting author must stand by the poster and explain it to the judges during the poster viewing time.



Venue information

2014.2.17-Venue info.jpgSafari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
←Click for larger image.

Access & Accommodation

Access to Nairobi

Nairobi is accessible by air from most hub airports in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Direct flights are also available between Nairobi and other major cities in Africa. Below is a list of airlines with frequent (daily) flights to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi.
Airline (Connection airport, City) Website link
- British Airways (Heathrow Airport, London)
- KLM (Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam)
- Emirates Airline (Dubai International Airport, Dubai)
- Qatar Airways (Doha International Airport, Qatar)
- Korean Air (Incheon Airport, Seoul)
- Etihad Airways (Abu Dhabi International Airport, Abu Dhabi)
- Turkish Airlines (Ataturk Airport, Istanbul)
- Swiss air (Zurich Airport, Zurich)

Swiss air operates a flight that departs Nairobi almost daily at 11:25 p.m for Zurich, Switzerland (flight time 8 hour). It is convenient for connection to the other destinations in Europe, US and Asia.
NOTE: For those who plan to attend PART B of the conference, we recommend that you reserve a late evening flight if you plan to depart Nairobi on September 13th (Saturday) i.e. on the same day we return to Nairobi from Masai Mara.

For more information about Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, please visit

Visas and Immigration Information

Please note that valid entry Visas may be required for nationals of countries without visa reciprocity with Kenya or are not nationals of the East Africa Partner States. For most nationalities, visa is obtainable at the airport on arrival but we recommend obtaining one in advance to avoid delay at the airport. For more information, please visit the site of Kenya Immigration Department at or contact a Kenya diplomatic post closest to you.

Access to Conference Venue

Shuttle buses will be available at a fee from the airport to Safari Park Hotel (conference venue). For your convenience, we will station reception staff at the airport to guide you. Please avoid flights that arrive too early in the morning or late at night. In case you cannot catch up with a shuttle bus, please take a taxi to the hotel. Avoid public transport means such as buses and vans for you might not know where to get off.

Accommodation Information

Safari Park Hotel (Conference venue)
To give you a feel of Africa, we have chosen the exclusive Safari Park Hotel for the venue. Besides offering excellent conferencing facilities, the hotel offers comfortable accommodation and has a variety of restaurants offering African, Italian, Japanese and international cuisines. The excellent location of the hotel away from the
busy downtown Nairobi provides a tranquil environment good for your relaxation after a long day of conference activities. For more information about Safari Park Hotel, please visit hotel website at
For the convenience of organization and security, we strongly encourage our participants to book their accommodation at the Safari Park Hotel. Participants will be provided with a special link for reservation at discounted conference rates (see below for the discounted hotel rates).
To reserve accommodation at Safari Park Hotel, please visit hotel website, input dates (for instance Sept. 10th-12th) and select "International Single-Cell Analysis". You will be able to reserve at discounted conference rates.

Accommodation rates for 10th-12th September 2014

2014.2.17-Access and accommodation information.jpg

# Reservation deadline for the above rates is 24th July, 2014
More updates on reservation are coming soon!

ICIPE Hostel
For student participants and young researchers who cannot afford to stay at the Safari Park Hotel, alternative accommodation will be provided at a hostel run by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). This alternative is still being negotiated, so more information will be available later.
Other Nairobi Hotels
Being the capital of Kenya and the financial and business hub of East and Central Africa, Nairobi is home to internationally renowned brand name hotels such Hilton, Intercontinental, Sarova Stanley etc. Both high end and low end hotels are concentrated in downtown Nairobi with a few on the outskirts, so accommodation should not be a problem. For more information about Nairobi hotels, please visit

As noted above, we strongly recommend that participants stay at the Safari Park Hotel. But should you choose to stay in other hotels, please arrange for your transport to the conference venue. Nairobi has a serious problem of traffic jam especially during rush hours. So choose your hotel careful to avoid being caught up. Shuttle buses will not be provided.

Organizing Committee

Organizing Partner:
The Society for Single Cell Surveyor

Supported by:
Hitachi Ltd., Japan
Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, Japan
Partec GmbH, Germany
The Kenya Embassy in Japan

Conference Chairs:
Dr. Hideki Kambara, Hitachi Ltd., Japan
Prof. Walter Jaoko, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Local Organizing Committee Members
Prof. Collins Ouma, Maseno University, Kenya
Dr. Kennedy Okeyo, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Benson Nyambega, Maseno University, Kenya
Dr. Stephen Kyalo, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Alfred Isaac Orina, Technical University of Kenya, Kenya
Dr. Johnston Kinyua, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Dr. Edward Muge, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Dr. Kevin Land, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa

International Organizing Committee Members
Prof. Haruko Takeyama, Waseda University, Japan
Prof. Steven Boxer, Stanford University, USA
Prof. J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University, USA
Prof. Daniel Chiu, University of Washington, USA
Prof. Ola Soderberg, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Guohua Zhou, Nanjing University School of Medicine, China
Prof. Hiroyuki Noji, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Eiichi Tamiya, Osaka University, Japan
Prof. Hiroki Ueda, RIKEN, Japan
Prof. Kazuma Mawatari, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Ryo Matoba, DNA Chip Research Inc., Japan


Advisory Committee Members
Prof. Masao Washizu, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Takehiko Kitamori, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Madoka Takai, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Takashi Ito, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Hideo Higuchi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Hidetoshi Kotera, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Hiroo Iwata, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Taiji Adachi, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Ulf Landegren, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Alan C. Nelson, Arizona State University, USA
Prof. Iqbal Parker, ICGEB, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Prof. Eucharia Kenya, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Prof. Wilfred Mbacham, University of Yaounde, Cameroon.
Dr. Nejime Yoshito, Hitachi High Technologies, Japan
Mr. Kenko Uchida, Hitachi High Technologies, Japan

Organizing Secretary
Dr. Kennedy Okeyo, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Benson Nyambega, Maseno University, Kenya
Mr. Masataka Shirai, Hitachi Ltd., Japan
Dr. Masahito, Hosokawa, Waseda University, Japan
Dr. Hiromi Miyoshi, RIKEN, Japan

Contact Persons
Kennedy Okeyo,
Benson Nyambega,

Sponsorship Opportunities

To enable us meet the cost of organizing this important meeting, we humbly request companies, individuals, and organizations that maybe interested for support in the form of sponsorship. In return, we offer exciting sponsorship benefits aimed at giving our sponsors access to the diverse audience who will attend the meeting. Some of the benefits to be offered include:
- Provision of exhibition booths
- Advert on conference abstract book and other printed materials
- Special recognition during conference occasions such as banquet
- Recognition on conference website
- Complimentary free registration to scientific attendees.
- Complementary invitation to sponsor’s reception and conference banquet
- Complementary attendee list (electronic and one-time-use only)
- Inserts for abstract book and conference bags (if provided)
- Website banner with link to sponsor’s website
- Logo on poster and exhibit locator sign on-site

Please note that sponsorship benefits will be commensurate with sponsorship level, and that exhibition booths are limited and, hence, will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please email <> for more information.



1細胞解析技術に関するナイロビ国際シンポジウムJoint Meeting of the 1st Africa International Biotechnology & Biomedical Conference and the 8th International Workshop on Approaches to Single-Cell Analysis主催:シングルセルサーベイヤー研究会シンポジウムチェア:神原秀記(日立製作所フェロー)          Walter Jaoko (ナイロビ大学教授)日時(PART:A)メインシンポジウム 2014年9月10日から11日   (PART:B)特別講演@マサイマラ国立公園 2014年9月12日から13日場所: Safari Park Hotel (PART:A)    Masai Mara National Park(PART:B)    ナイロビ、ケニア講演募集期間  2014年4月23日~ 2014年7月25日参加費 (PART:A)一般 30,000円 (8月1日以降は40,000円、9月1日以降は、50,000円)学生 15,000円 (8月1日以降は20,000円、9月1日以降は、25,000円)※上記料金には、昼食、軽食、カンファレンスバンケット、ウエルカムレセプションの食事代が含まれます。※参加者および同伴者の宿泊費、同伴者用の食事代は含まれておりません。
参加費 (PART:B)
大人 60,000円 (シングル)大人 45,000円/人 (ダブル/ツイン/トリプル)子供(5-12歳) 30,000円※参加者,同伴者ともに同額
シングル(一部屋一人)の場合■ 参加費:2万円 ■ 宿泊費:3万円 (朝・夕食込)■ 交通費:1万円 (ナイロビ⇔マサイマラ往復)合計     6万円
■ 参加費:2万円■ 宿泊費:1.5万円 (朝・夕食込)■ 交通費:1万円  (ナイロビ⇔マサイマラ往復)合計    4.5万円
参加登録に関する概要はじめに、参加登録サイトより参加者ご本人の個人情報の入力とパスワードの設定をお願いいたします。必須項目にはアスタリスク(*)の記号がついており,必須項目の入力がないと登録が行えません.登録ページには「同伴者」の情報も登録できるようになっております。登録方法の詳細は以下の通りです。本会議はPART A およびPART Bに分かれています.PART A:9月10日および11日,サファリパークホテル,ナイロビPART B:9月12日,マサイマラ国立公園,Keekorok Lodge
参加登録に関する諸注意会議PART Aのみにご参加の方は、PART Aのみを選択してください(STUDENT またはGENERAL).PART A およびPART B両方にご参加の方は、登録サイトにてPART A およびPART Bをそれぞれご選択ください。また、PART Bのご登録の際は、同伴者を含む人数を入力してください.入力手順は専用ページ記載の注意事項に従ってください。※1会議参加者1人+同伴者1人で計二人の場合合計人数として「2」と入力して下さい。この時点で,マサイマラKeekorok Lodgeでの宿泊がルームシェアとなり,料金も二人分の計9万円のご請求となります(ルームシェアの料金は一人当たり4万5千円,シングルは6万円)。※2同伴者のいない方は,Adult (single)を選択ください.※3同伴者に5歳以上12歳未満のお子様がいる場合,「Adult (share)」に大人の人数をご入力いただき、「child (share)」のところに小人の人数をご入力ください。
PART:Aメインシンポジウム会期中は、シンポジウム会場併設のホテル(Safari Park Hotel)のご利用を強く推奨しております。下記サイトより、シンポジウム参加者向け特別価格での客室予約が可能です。 "International Single-Cell Analysis”の項を選択の上、ご予約をお願いいたします。※1上記サイトアクセス後,はじめに宿泊期間を入力してください。次に開く画面で,左側にある「International Single Cell Analysis」の横のボタンをクリックしてください。本会議参加者向けの割引レートが適応されます。続けて部屋タイプと人数を入力し,「book」のボタンをクリックし入力を進めて下さい。なお,Deluxe doubleのルームタイプでは10歳までの子供二人は無料です。大人の人数のみを入力してください。※2参加登録費には宿泊料金は含まれておりません.※3同伴者がいらっしゃる場合は,ルームシェアとなりますので人数に応じて部屋タイプを選択してください.※4参加者の人数が多くなり,全員サファリパークホテルで宿泊できない場合は,サファリパークホテルが契約する同レベルあるいはそれ以上のクラスのホテルでの宿泊を手配します.この場合に限り,サファリパークホテル(会議会場)⇔宿泊ホテルの送迎バスが用意されています.※5別の宿泊施設をご利用の場合は、会場までの送迎は自己負担となります。
PART:B特別講演会期中は、講演会場隣接のホテル(Keekorok Lodgeを予定)宿泊費が参加登録費に含まれます。宿泊可能な人数に限りがありますので,参加者50人(同伴者を除く)に達した時点で受付を終了させていただいます。宿泊はシングルかルームシェアをご選択下さい。ルームシェアの場合は,大人一人当たり料金が4万5千円で,シングルの場合は6万円となっています.大人二人に同伴する子供は2人まで無料です。宿泊料金には①マサイマラまでの交通費,②ホテルでの宿泊代および食事代(三食),サファリツアーの料金,③サファリの入場料等が含まれています(参加者,同伴者ともに同じ).※登録いただいた情報を元にマサイマラでの宿泊を用意しますので,登録の際,正確な入力をお願いいたします.
PART:B会期(9月13日)以降の延泊・他の地域への移動をご希望の場合、宿泊・交通の手配は、参加者の皆様各自でお願いいたします。※1 会議は12日の日程をもって終了となります。9月13日の朝はバスでナイロビに戻り、ナイロビのホテルに預けた荷物を受け取った後、解散となります。※2 13日の夕方のフライトをご利用の方はそのまま空港に向かいます。ナイロビで一泊する方は各自で手配したホテルで宿泊していただきます。なお,マサイマラで延泊することも可能ですが、延泊分の宿泊は各自でのご手配となります。また、ナイロビに戻るための交通手段も各自で手配をお願いいたします。
同伴者の宿泊費・参加登録に含まれる内容については下記のとおりです。※ここでいう同伴者は,会議参加者に同行し,登録サイトで同伴者「accompanying person(s)」として情報を入力していただいた方のことを指します。➢会議PART A(9月10日―12日,サファリパークホテルナイロビ)①宿泊:会議参加者と同じ(ルームシェア)②同伴者プラン会議PART Aでは,同伴者のプログラムは特に用意しておりません.同伴者は各自で宿泊ホテルや現地旅行会社が企画するナイロビ市内見物ツアーに申し込んでご参加いただけます,安全確保の観点から,単独行動はご遠慮ください.③食事会議参加者と同じく,同伴者も朝食はホテルでとっていただきます.昼食は,ホテルのレストラン等をご利用ください。また,夕食についても,会議一日目の9月10日の夕食は各自で手配いただきますが,会議二日目の11日に予定されているバンケットには同伴者も参加可能です.➢PART B①プラン:会議PART Bに関しては、すべてのプログラムに同伴者がご参加可能です.②宿泊:会議参加者と同じ(ルームシェア)③食事:宿泊プランに含まれています.
ケニアまでのフライトについて例として下記の航空会社がケニアまでの航空便を運行しています。-British Airways (Heathrow Airport, London)-KLM (Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam)-Emirates Airline (Dubai International Airport, Dubai)-Qatar Airways (Doha International Airport, Qatar)-Korean Air (Incheon Airport, Seoul)-Etihad Airways (Abu Dhabi International Airport, Abu Dhabi)-Turkish Airlines (Ataturk Airport, Istanbul)-Swiss air (Zurich Airport, Zurich)Swiss airはほぼ毎日11:25pmチューリッヒ行きの便を運行しており、アジア・欧米への乗り継ぎが便利です。PART:Bに参加される方は、13日(土)に出国を予定されている場合、マサイマラ国立公園からナイロビまでの移動時間を考慮し、深夜便をご利用下さい。
ナイロビからマサイマラまでの移動(PART A終了後の9月12日の朝(7AM頃))マサイマラに向けてホテルを出発します.移動には7~8人乗りのマイクロバスを利用予定です(安全のため,大型バスは利用しません).マライマラへは,必要最低限の荷物だけを持っていき,残りの荷物はサファリパークホテルに預けてください.見物しながら,マサイマラまでの約5時間の旅をお楽しください.なお,マサイマラ到着後のプログラムはホームページに掲載の通りとなりますが,レクチャーに参加しない同伴者はホテルのサファリやイベントにご参加いただいても結構です.
マサイマラからナイロビまでの移動(PART B終了後の9月13日の朝)13日のフライトで帰国するかナイロビ一泊するかによって2つのグループに分かれます.グループI:13日当日のフライトで帰国する方グループII:ナイロビで一泊して14日のフライトで帰国する方グループIは朝早く(朝7時頃)マサイマラのホテルを出発してナイロビに戻ります.ナイロビ到着後,荷物を受け取り,そのまま空港に向かいます.空港までの移動はタクシーまたはマイクロバス等となります.グループIIは13日午前のサファリ(予定)の後に出発します.ナイロビ到着後は各自のホテルへ送迎します.その後も,単独行動とならないように,ご注意ください.
日本人の方がケニアへ渡航される場合、ビザが必要です。ビザ・予防接種・渡航中の安全に関する詳細な情報は下記のサイトよりご確認下さい。ケニア観光局日本語サイト外務省 海外安全ホームページ
予防接種についてケニアでは、黄熱病汚染国からの入国者に対し、イエローカード(黄熱病予防接種証明書)の提示を求めています。また、ご旅行の経由地(タイ、インド、南アフリカ共和国など)によっては、各地にてイエローカードの提示を求められる場合がありますので、厚生労働省検疫所 海外感染症情報 、各検疫所でご確認ください。その他の予防接種については、任意になりますので、イエローカードの提示は必要ありません。(ケニア観光局日本語サイトより抜粋)
渡航に関する安全についてケニアは,隣国のソマリアから侵入して来たテロリストが国内でテロ行為を企ており,特にケニア軍がソマリアでの対テロ戦闘戦に乗り出して以来,数件テロ行為が起こっております.会場のファリパークホテルはナイロビの中心部から離れており、セキュリティの高いホテルです. 会議開催者は万全を期して参加者の安全確保に努めますので,参加者におかれましても,安全確保にご協力ください.特に,集団行動を基本とし,学会側への周知無しの単独行動をご遠慮ください.渡航に当たっての安全情報は外務省のホームページ等に記載されております。


Conference program updated.
Instruction for presenters updated.
Conference information updated.
Early bird registration deadline extended.
Conference information updated.
Conference information updated.
Registration is now open.
Conference information updated.
Conference information updated.
Conference site is now OPEN.


